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High impact presentations

give power to your ideas

Course content - 2 x 1 day (non consecutive) 

  • Design and structure your presentation: how to choose the right flow of ideas​

  • Simplify to amplify: be crisp and clear or be lost in the noise

  • It's not all about you: how to make it about your audience

  • Grab attention and keep it: how to  play with 'teasers' throughout your presentation

  • 'Less is more': how  to pitch your ideas in less than 2 minutes 

  • Punch up your message: how to make your ideas sound unique 

  • Create presentations that capture hearts and minds: the power of Storytelling 

  • Increase your personal charisma: how to enrich your verbal, vocal and non-verbal delivery

  • Design visual slides that support not 'sabotage': how to avoid 'Death by Powerpoint'

How you will benefit

Didactic approach

Practical skill building
Hands-on exercices
Personalized speech feedback
Self assessment tools

 You can have brilliant ideas but if you can't get them across, your brain won't get you anywhere

Lee Lacocca
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